Episode #39: Meet the Startup Unifying the Digital and Physical Worlds

Tech Optimist Podcast — Tech, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation

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Alumni Ventures

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2 min

Join us on the Alumni Ventures’ Tech Optimist podcast as Managing Partner Laura Rippy talks with Kirin Sinha, founder and CEO of Illumix about how her company uses augmented reality to enhance experiences in real-world venues like theme parks and sports stadiums. The discussion also covers Kirin’s journey from academia to entrepreneurship and the practical applications of AR technology in everyday environments

Episode #39: Meet the Startup Unifying the Digital and Physical Worlds

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In this episode of The Tech Optimist podcast, Managing Partner Laura Rippy talks with Kirin Sinha, founder and CEO of Illumix. This episode delves into how Illumix uses augmented reality to enhance real-world venues like theme parks and sports stadiums. Kirin discusses her transition from academia to leading a startup, focusing on how spatial computing is applied in everyday environments to improve visitor experiences. Learn about the practical applications of AR technology and how Illumix is integrating digital enhancements into physical spaces, offering new ways for venues to engage with their audiences.

Watch Time ~31 minutes

The show is produced by Alumni Ventures, which has been recognized as a “Top 20 Venture Firm” by CB Insights (’24) and as the “#1 Most Active Venture Firm in the US” by Pitchbook (’22 & ’23).


Creators and Guests


Laura Rippy
Managing Partner at Alumni Ventures

Laura Rippy is a Managing Partner and Board Member at Alumni Ventures. She runs the Women’s Fund at Alumni Ventures, the Dartmouth-focused fund (Green D Ventures) and the Harvard-focused fund (The Yard Ventures).


Kirin Sinha
Founder & CEO at Illumix

Kirin Sinha is the Founder and CEO of Illumix, a leading augmented reality (AR) technology and media company, focused on developing immersive experiences for the mobile phone. The Illumix proprietary engine puts power back into the hands of creators by providing visual editing tools that can deploy AR to any mobile app through a lightweight pipeline and transforming the future of mixed reality with environmentally-intelligent AR experiences in gaming, media and e-commerce.

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