How do you stay open-minded?

Ask A Founder with Joe Schaeppi, Daniel Pelaez, and Nate Holiday

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Alumni Ventures

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2 min

How do leaders stay open-minded in a world full of opinions and decisions? This conversation explores personal strategies for maintaining openness and balancing diverse perspectives. Watch the full video to uncover insights you won’t want to miss.

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How do you stay open minded?

We asked these founders how they stay open-minded. Here’s what they said:

I think you constantly need to practice that. I catch myself wanting to have a decision predetermined in my head. You need to remind yourself that there is a reason to consider alternatives.

Daniel Pelaez, CEO and Co-founder, Cyvl

My belief of what I think needs to be done… there’s a bias in that. I like to remind myself that I’m not the customer and my opinion and idea at a minimum is discounted compared to the customers and the users.

Nate Holiday, CEO and Co-founder, Space and Time

I follow accounts that I vehemently disagree with… and try to walk through their shoes. Even if I don’t agree with that other person, I want to be able to speak with them and understand how they got there.

Joe Schaeppi, Co-Founder and CEO, Solsten


The show is produced by Alumni Ventures, which has been recognized as a “Top 20 Venture Firm” by CB Insights (’24) and as the “#1 Most Active Venture Firm in the US” by Pitchbook (’22 & ’23).

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